inals, and of persons suffering from such mental disorders as
to have marked criminal propensities; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that study be given to the possi-
bility for providing such institutions and facilities; and
WHEREAS, it is well known that mental and emotional dis-
turbances and aberrations are a major motivating cause of the
commission of crime; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary that an
expert and informed study be made by competent persons in
order to bring about an intelligent correlation between the
law and modern psychiatry; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor of Maryland be and he is hereby authorized and di-
rected to appoint a Commission to study Medico-Legal Psy-
chiatry, to consist of fifteen members as follows: The Direc-
tor of Phipps Clinic of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, ex
officio; the Commissioner of Mental Hygiene, ex officio; at
least one member of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City;
at least one Judge from a Circuit Court outside Baltimore
City; the Medical Officer of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City, ex ofiicio; at least one member of the House of Dele-
gates of Maryland; at least one member of the Senate of
Maryland; and such number of other persons as shall be re-
quired to bring the total membership of the Commission to
fifteen persons; and he it further
Resolved, That said Commission is hereby requested and
directed to make such studies and investigations as it may
deem necessary and desirable, to enable it to report to the
General Assembly of 1949 on the following topics: (a) the
need for psychopathic institutions throughout the State; (b)
the possibilities for attaching psychiatric clinics, to the courts
of this State, including trial magistrates' courts; (c) the
possibilities for pre-trial and post-trial examinations in
criminal cases; (d) the factor and possible lack of criminal
responsibility because of emotional disturbances; (c) the
possibilities of psychiatric treatment and care in jails, train-
ing schools and other institutions; (f) the commitment of
sexual psychopathies and the insane in criminal cases; (g)
procedural methods by whcih courts determine sanity; (h)
the definition of insanity in criminal cases; and (i) such
other matters and inquiries as to the Commission shall seem
pertinent and important to the spirit and purpose of this
Approved April 16, 1947.