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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 2219   View pdf image (33K)
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NO. 1.
(House Joint Resolution 3)

A Joint Resolution commending the purposes of a bill to
appropriate money for cancer research to the Congress
of the United States.

WHEREAS, there has been introduced in the present Congress
of the United States a resolution to appropriate money to in-
stitute and finance cancer research in an effort to achieve
a more complete understanding of the causes of and effective
treatment for cancer; and

WHEREAS, the scourge of cancer, besides being one of the
major causes of death among the people of the United States,
takes hideous forms and is often undetected until a time
when medical treatment is of no avail; and

WHEREAS, to date medical science has been unable to dis-
cover completely the causes of and a cure for this terrible
disease; and

WHEREAS, it is the sense of the General Assembly of Mary-
land that there is great hope of progress in the effective diag-
nosis and effective treatment of cancer to be obtained by a
concerted effort on the part of medical science to achieve
these aims; and

WHEREAS, it is obvious that such a concerted effort cannot
be adequately financed by private organizations, individually
or collectively, or by the several states of the United States
but requires support from all the people of the United States
as a whole acting through Congress; and

WHEREAS, legislation to establish and finance such a re-
search program was introduced in the last Congress of the
United States but failed of passage; and

WHEREAS, it is the sense of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that in the interests of all humanity such legislation
should not be again permitted to fail of passage; now therefore


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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 2219   View pdf image (33K)
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