this Act; and for the purposes of this Act to issue bonds
on the faith and credit of said town for the payment of said
water supply system, and to acquire by purchase or con-
demnation whatever property or rights-of-way within or out-
side the corporate limits of said town that they may deem
necessary and proper.
94T. The Commissioners of Hebron hereinafter designated
as the "authorities", shall proceed as soon as possible after
the passage of this Act to employ such engineering and other
help as they deem necessary for the purpose of preparing
surveys, plans, specifications and estimates for a water sup-
ply system for said town. Upon the completion of said
estimate the authorities shall advertise in at least one news-
paper in the County of Wicomico, and one newspaper in the
City of Baltimore, for the receipt of bids for the construc-
tion of said water supply system either in whole or in part,
as in their judgment may be deemed proper. Said advertise-
ment shall state the time and place for the opening of bids,
and all bids must be sent under seal, accompanied by a certi-
fied check of such amount as the said authorities may deem
necessary and proper. The contract shall be awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder, and the authorities are empowered
and authorized to enter into such agreement or contract with
said successful bidder as to safely indemnify the Town of
Hebron against any and all loss which may ensue from the
construction of said water supply system. They shall de-
mand bond of the successful bidder to whatever extent they
deem necessary and proper, but in no case shall the amount
thereof be less than the contract price.
94U. For the purpose of providing funds for the construc-
tion and establishment of said water supply system, and for
the purchase or condemnation of properties and right of way,
said authorities are authorized and empowered to issue bonds
in such amounts as they may deem necessary to carry on said
work or any part of it, provided, however, that at no time
shall the amount of outstanding bonds so issued be more than
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). Said bonds
may be of such type and denomination and bear such rate of
interest, not exceeding five (5) percentum per annum as said
authorities may determine upon; provided, that the interest
on said bonds shall be payable semi-annually and said bonds
shall mature at a period not exceeding forty years from the
date of issuance, and shall be forever exempt from State,
county and municipal taxation, and shall be a lien upon all
assessable property within the said town of Hebron. The bonds
may be dated as the authorities may decide, may be either