payable in equal semi-annual installments, the number to be
determined by the Commissioners but in no event to exceed
ten payments. The first installment thereof to become due
and payable sixty (60) days next succeeding the date of
notice of such special assessment. Said special assessment
shall be collected in the same manner provided by law for
the collection of delinquent taxes, and shall bear the same
interest and penalties.
94M. All money received on account of said special assess-
ment shall be treated as a special fund and shall be kept in
a separate account and fund and shall not be expended for
any purpose other than the liquidation and redemption of
bonds or other evidence of debt, that after the payment of any
indebtedness, the surplus, if any, in such special fund or ac-
count to be transferred to the general fund of the Commis-
sioners of Hebron.
94N. In all cases where the property to be assessed for
public improvements, under the provision of this section, is
located at the intersection of two streets, and in case the
improvements are extended along the side of said property,
the Commissioners of Hebron, in addition to the assessment
made for such improvements along the front of said property
shall make such further assessment for the benefit and im-
provements along the side of said property. In all cases in
which the question shall arise as to the street upon which
the said property may front, the decision of the Commis-
sioners in regard thereto shall be final and conclusive. The
said Commissioners are hereby authorized to make reasonable
adjustments and allowances in assessing benefits which in
their judgment are equitable, fair and just in such cases, as
may be necessary to prevent the working of undue and un-
necessary hardships. The provisions of this section or any
other section relating to assessments for improvements shall
mot apply to maintenance of improvements, for which there
shall be no special assessment made.
94-O. (Ordinances—Penalties.) The style of all ordi-
nances shall be "Be it enacted and ordained by The Com-
missioners of Hebron". All actions and prosecutions for the
violations of any rules, ordinances, regulations, shall be
instituted in the name of the Commissioners of Hebron
against offending parties, and all fines recovered in such
suits, actions or prosecutions for the breach of any rule,
ordinance or regulation of the Commissioners of Hebron
before the Judge of the People's Court of Wicomico County
shall be collected by the said Judge and paid over to the