GG. The Three Cent (30) tax authorized by Section 2 CC
of this Act shall be levied annually, beginning with the next
annual levy, against all assessable property in that portion
of the District in Prince George's County added by the pro-
visions of Section 2A of this Act to said District as originally
created and described by Section 1 of Chapter 714 of the Acts
of 1939. In areas which may at this session of the General
Assembly or at any time hereafter be added to said District
as described in Section 2A, Chapter 992, Laws of Maryland,
1943, the said Three Cent (30) tax shall, beginning with the
annual levy following such addition, be levied against all
assessable property therein as provided in Section 2 CC.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1947.
Approved April 25, 1947.
(House Bill 476)
AN ACT to repeal Section 17 of Article 39 of the Annotated
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition),
title "Fish and Fisheries", sub-title "Pollution Prohibited
Penalty", and Section 91 of Article 99 of the Annotated
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (1943 Supple-
ment), title "Birds, Game and Inland Fish", sub-title
"Pollution Prohibited", and to repeal and reenact with
amendments Section 18 of said Article 39 and Section 92
of said Article 99, relating to the control of water pollution.
WHEREAS, It is the legislative intent that pollution en-
forcement as now conferred upon the Commissioner of Tide-
water Fisheries and the Department of Game and Inland
Fish be transferred to the Water Pollution Control Commis-
sion that will be established by the enactment of House Bill
45 of the 1947 session, and on and after the effective date
of that bill the provisions of these sections are no longer neces-
sary ; now therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 17 of Article 39 of the Annotated Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Fish,
and Fisheries", sub-title "Pollution Prohibited Penalty", and
Section 91 of Article 99 of the Annotated Code of Public