shall be filled by the County Commissioners in the manner
hereinbefore set forth, within 60 days from the date when the
vacancy occurs. The annual salaries of the County Assessors
and all other expenses incident to local assessment shall be
levied for and paid monthly by the several Boards of County
Commissioners. Nothing herein shall affect the powers and
duties of the Bureau of Assessments in Baltimore City, as
prescribed by local law and ordinance.
The annual salary of each assessor shall be determined by
the classification of his respective county as established by
the State Tax Commission and in accordance with the sched-
ules of compensation herein set forth. The salaries of all
assessors herein provided shall be paid monthly by the
several counties. A sum equivalent to one-half of the annual
salary shall be paid by the Comptroller for the State of
Maryland from general funds to the several counties, such
payments to be made to the said counties quarterly. The
several counties are hereby directed to levy annually such
sums as may be required to pay the remaining one-half of
these salaries. The following classifications and their re-
spective schedules prescribing a minimum and maximum
salary rate with automatic increases from minimum to maxi-
mum, at the rate of 20% each year for a period of five years,
shall apply to the assessors of each county:
Class A ................. $3,000 to f 3,750
Class B ................. 2,750 to 3,500
Class C ................. 2,250 to 3,000
Class D ................. 1,800 to 2,500
The State Tax Commission shall fix the classification of
each county only after consultation with the respective
Boards of County Commissioners, and in making such classi-
fication shall take into consideration the number of individ-
ual lots or parcels assessed, the assessable basis, the number
of assessors employed and other pertinent factors, relating to
the work of said assessors.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act
shall be construed to reduce the salary or compensation re-
ceived by any Supervisor of Assessments or any assessor now
in office or affect the sums received by them as expenses in-
cident to the performance of their duties.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1947.
Approved April 25, 1947.