thence, north three degrees, forty-seven minutes east, a
distance of 825.0 ft.; thence, south seventy-eight degrees,
thirteen minutes east, a distance of 655.4 ft.; thence, north
three degrees, forty-seven minutes east, a distance of
363.0 ft.; thence, south seventy-eight degrees, thirteen
minutes east, a distance of 412.5 ft.; thence, north thirty-
five degrees, forty-seven minutes east, a distance of 1008.1
ft.; thence, south seventy-six degrees, forty-three minutes
east, a distance of 115.5 ft.; thence, north twenty-three
degrees, thirty-two minutes east, a distance of 544.5 ft.
to a corner of the Recreational Demonstration Projects
land heretofore mentioned, said corner being marked by
a concrete monument; thence, north thirty-four degrees,
thirty-seven minutes east, a distance of 2181.4 ft.; said
line crossing the tracks of Western Maryland Railroad
Company; thence, south seventy degrees, thirteen minutes
east, a distance of 2403.5 ft.; said line crossing State Road
No. 81, and terminating at a concrete monument on the
west side of U. S. Route No. 15, leading from Thurmont
to Emmitsburg; thence, south forty-five degrees, seven-
teen minutes east, a distance of 1714.8 ft., said line being
roughly parallel, to and north of, an old county road;
thence, south eighty degrees, twenty-six minutes east,
a distance of 1592.5 ft. to a monument placed at a distance
of 185.6 ft. from the east side of Apples Church Road
and 357.4 ft. from the north side of the county road leading
to the Thurmont and Emmitsburg pike (Route No. 15) ;
thence, across the lands of Zentz and Simmers, south one
degree, forty-two minutes west, a distance 5722.0 ft. to
the place of beginning.
Approved April 25, 1947.
(Senate Bill 494)
AN ACT to authorize the creation of a State debt in the
aggregate amount of Eleven Million Six Hundred
Ninety-five Thousand Dollars ($11,695,000), the pro-
ceeds thereof to be used for certain necessary building,
construction, deferred maintenance, and equipment pur-
poses of this State, for acquiring certain land and pro-
viding generally for the issue and sale of Certificates
of Indebtedness evidencing such loan.