bers of the police and fire departments, thirty (30) percent
of the sum of money paid said employees and officers
either on an hourly or monthly basis as of March 31, 1943,
and, second, to use any proceeds not expended for wages
and salaries as aforesaid for general purposes of the City
in order to provide for deficiencies in revenues caused by
conditions created by the war. The additional thirty per
cent in salaries and wages as herein provided for shall be
considered as a bonus payment to general city employees
and officers to provide for rise in costs of living for services
to be rendered to the City.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency measure and necessary
for the preservation of the public health and safety, and
having been passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by
three-fifths of all of the members elected to the two houses
of the General Assembly the same shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved April 25, 1947.
(Senate Bill 491)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sec-
tions 41, 43 and 48 of Article 19 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Comptroller", sub-
title "State Auditor", and to repeal Section 47 of said
Article, increasing the compensation of the State Audi-
tor, eliminating offices and institutions not necessary
to be audited by the State Auditor and clarifying the
provisions of said Sections.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 47 of Article 19 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Comptroller", sub-title
"State Auditor", be and it is hereby repealed, and that
Sections 41, 43 and 48 of said Article be and they are
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
41. (a) There shall be a State Auditor appointed by
the Governor, who shall be assigned to the Division of
Financial Review and Control, and shall take the oath pre-