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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 37A of Article 10 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Attorneys at Law and
Attorneys in Fact", sub-title "State's Attorney", as said
Section was added by Chapter 791 of the Acts of 1945,
be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:

37A. The State's Attorneys of the several Counties of
the State shall receive annually the respective salaries
herewith set forth for performing the duties required of
them by their respective Public Local Laws and by the
Public General Laws of the State, and such expenses as
are now provided for by law in the several Counties, the
said salaries and expenses to be paid by the respective

The State's Attorney of Howard County shall receive
an annual salary of $2,000.00.

The State's Attorneys of Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's
and Worcester Counties shall each receive an annual
salary of $1,500.00, and in Worcester County, the State's
Attorney shall receive an annual expense account of
$2,000.00, payable in equal monthly instalments each
month and such further expenses as shall be approved by
the County Commissioners for the performance of the
official duties of said office that are necessary or may here-
after be required by law.

The State's Attorney of Talbot County shall receive an
annual salary of $1,800,00.

The State's Attorneys of Calvert, St. Mary's, Somerset
and Charles Counties shall each receive an annual
salary of $2,000.00. In Charles County, the State's Attor-
ney shall also receive $400.00 per year for secretarial

The State's Attorney of Dorchester County shall receive
an annual salary of $2,400.00 and he shall also receive
$100.00 per month for secretarial services.

The State's Attorney of Harford County shall receive
an annual salary of $2,500.00.

The State's Attorney of Carroll County shall receive an
annual salary of $2,700.00.

The State's Attorneys of Cecil and Wicomico Counties
shall each receive an annual salary of $3,000.00, and in
Wicomico County, the State's Attorney shall receive for
the year 1947 and each year thereafter $1,000.00 to cover
office expenses, including stationery, postage, premium on


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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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