more counties, the consent of a majority of the legal voters
of such part of each of said counties, respectively, shall
be required; nor shall the lines of any county nor of Balti-
more City be changed without the consent of a majority of
the legal voters residing within the district, which under
said proposed change, would form a part of a county or
of Baltimore City different from that to which it belonged
prior to said change; and no new county shall contain less
than four hundred square miles, nor less than ten thousand
white inhabitants; nor shall any change be made in the
limits of any county, whereby the population of said county
would be reduced to less than ten thousand white inhab-
itants, or its territory reduced to less than four hundred
square miles.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing
Section hereby proposed as an amendment to the Con-
stitution of this State shall be, at the next general election
to be held in this State in the year 1948, submitted to the
legal and qualified voters thereof for their adoption or
rejection in pursuance of directions contained in Article
14 of the Constitution of this State, and at the said general
election, the vote on the said proposed amendment shall be
by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the
words "For the Constitutional Amendment" and "Against
the Constitutional Amendment", as now prescribed by law,
and immediately after said election due returns shall be
made to the Governor of the vote for and against said
proposed amendment as directed by said Article 14 of the
Approved April 25, 1947.
(Senate Bill 223)
AN ACT legalizing the 1947 Cumulative Supplement to the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), edited by
Horace E. Flack, and making it evidence of the law.
WHEREAS, the General Assembly, at its Session of 1939,
legalized and made evidence of the law the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1939 Edition), edited by Horace E. Flack;