this Article) within, and for the account of, each of the fol-
lowing counties: Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Cecil, Kent,
Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and
157. As to each county named in Section 156 of this sub-
title, the cost of construction, reconstruction and maintenance
of county roads (including overhead charges of the State
Roads Commission allocable thereto) shall be paid from the
funds from time to time available to the county for such
purposes under the provisions of paragraph (2) of sub-divi-
sion (d) of Section 13 of this Article, or from the proceeds
of bonds or other evidences of debt lawfully issued by the
county or by a municipality within the county for such
purposes, or from any other funds from time to time law-
fully provided for such purposes. The County Commissioners
or road authority of each county so named shall from time to
time deliver to the State Roads Commission statements recom-
mending roads to be constructed or reconstructed and recom-
mending the application of funds to road maintenance. After
considering such recommendations, the State Roads Commis-
sion shall determine what county roads are to be constructed
or reconstructed and what portion of available funds are to
be used for maintenance in order that the work done will
be reasonably appropriate to an existing or potential inte-
grated secondary highway system. Construction and recon-
struction shall be done in accordance with the standards
fixed by the respective counties and approved by the State
Roads Commission. Such standards may include low-cost
county road standards.
158. If any county named in Section 156 of this sub-title
shall hereafter desire to take over and perform the construc-
tion, reconstruction and maintenance of its county roads on
its own behalf and for its own account, the County Commis-
sioners thereof may make a written request therefor to the
State Roads Commission. Such request shall be made at
least ninety days in advance of the beginning of the first
state fiscal year as to which the request is desired to take
effect. If the State Roads Commission shall find that such
county has, or is reasonably assured of obtaining, adequate
facilities for constructing, reconstructing and maintaining
roads, and that such county has, or is reasonably assured of
obtaining, the services of a roads engineer having a degree
of civil engineering and experience in constructing roads,
or who has had at least ten years practical experience in
constructing roads in a supervisory and executive capacity,
then the State Roads Commission shall by resolution relin-