special taxing areas, and the other agencies and subdivisions
of government in Maryland, from the funds made available
to Maryland by the provisions of the Federal Acts. Whenever
any such Federal funds would be available for the construc-
tion or reconstruction of State roads if equalized or matched
by State funds, then, notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Article, the State Roads Commission for the purpose
of such equalization or matching is authorized and empow-
ered to use any State funds which under the provisions of this
Article are authorized to be used for the construction or
reconstruction of any State roads.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That ten new sections
be and they are hereby added to Article 89B of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), under a sub-title
"State Highway Construction Bonds", said sections to be
known as Sections 147G, 147H, 147-I, 147J, 147K, 147L, 147M,
147N, 147-O and 147P of said Article, to follow immediately
after Section 147F of said Article, and to read as follows:
147G. (Definitions.) As used in this sub-title, the fol-
lowing words and terms shall have the following meanings,
unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning
or intent:
(A) (Expressway) The word "expressway" shall mean a
major thoroughfare of two or more traffic lanes in each di-
rection, designed to eliminate principal traffic hazards, and
shall embrace all bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses,
interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, and other struc-
tures which the State Roads Commission may deem neces-
sary for the operation of the expressway, together with all
property, rights; easements, franchises and interests acquired
by the Commission for the construction and operation thereof,
and having the following characteristics: (a) a median di-
vider separating opposing traffic lanes to eliminate head-on
collisions and side-swiping; (b) grade separation structures
to eliminate the conflict of cross streams of traffic at all inter-
sections; (c) points of access and egress limited to prede-
termined locations; (d) vertical curves of lengths sufficient
to provide long-sight distances; and (e) shoulders of widths
adequate to permit vehicles to stop or park off travel lanes.
(B) (Controlled Access Arterial Highway.) The term
"controlled access arterial highway" shall mean a major
thoroughfare of two or more traffic lanes in each direction
having the same characteristics as an expressway, except that
the conflict of cross streams of traffic need not be eliminated
at every intersection by means of grade separation structures.