WEDNESDAY, March 13th, 1878.
Senate met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by the Rev. L. D. Travers.
Present at roll call the following Senators :
Messrs. President, Bannon, Combs, of Allegany, Combs,
of St. Mary's, Cooper, Dennis, Ford, Franklin, Freeman,
Garey, Gorman, Hepbron, Hill, Humphreys, Joyce, Lancas-
ter, Lee, McLane, Miller, Newcomer, Peter, Steiner, Stump,
Sulivane, Welfley, Wilson—26.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
The Hon. R. C. Hollyday, Secretary of State, appeared
and delivered a communication from the Executive, endorsed
''Executive business."
On motion by Mr. McLane,
Senate bill entitled an Act to adjust and settle finally by
an agreement, all pending controversies between the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company and the State of Mary-
land, by subjecting the franchises and property of said Com-
pany, within this State, to taxation for State purposes to
a certain extent, and by providing for the payment of a cer-
tain indebtedness of the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, to the said State, and for the establishment, by
contract, of certain rates of toll and transportation for coal,
lumber, pig-iron, ores of all kind, and stone transported by
the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to the ba-
sins of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, at or near
Cumberland, and by providing, on certain conditions, for
the release of the right of the State to any proportion of the
moneys received by the said Company for the transportation
of passengers on its Railroad between Baltimore and Wash-
ington, otherwise than by way of dividends upon its stock in
the Washington Branch Railroad, of said Company,
Was recommitted to the Committee on Finace.
Mr. McLane presented the memorial from the Supreme
Bench, of Baltimore City, against the passage of the bill for
the establishment of a second Criminal Court, in Baltimore
Which was read and referred to the Baltimore City Sena-