1878.] OF THE SENATE. 457
stone planted, marked B. C. T. L., standing on the south-
west side of the turnpike road leading from Frederick to
Buckeystown, and near to Mount Olivet Cemetery, and run-
ning thence, first, north sixty-four and three-quarter de-
grees, west three hundred and twenty-two perches, to a
planted stone marked No. 1. ; then, second, north forty and
one-eighth degrees, east four hundred and sixty-five perches
to a planted stone marked No. 2. ; then, third, south twenty-
six and one-eighth degrees, east two hundred and three-
fourths perches to a planted stone marked No. 3. ; then,
fourth, south twenty-one and a quarter degrees, east four
hundred and twelve perches to the forty-fourth mile-stone on
the north side of the Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike road ;
then, fifth, south eighty degrees, west three hundred and
fifty-five and sixty-seven one hundredths perches to the stone
marked B. C. T. L., the place of beginning ; and the said
Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of Frederick shall
have full power and authority to assess, levy and collect,
within said extended limits, any and all taxes whatsoever
which they were authorized to assess, levy and collect, with-
in the taxable limits as existing before the passage of this
Act; provided, that on all unimproved lots or parcels of land
added to the taxable limits by this section, there shall not be
collected by the Corporation of Frederick City more than
one-half of the municipal taxes that may be levied on the
same when assessed at their actual cash value, such assess-
ment to be made annually by the Tax Commissioners of Fred-
erick City.
Which was rejected by yeas and nays, as follows:
Messrs. Dennis, Humphreys,
Franklin, Miller,
Freeman, Newcomer,
Garey, Steiner,
Hill, Welfley—10.
Messrs. President, Joyce,
Bannon, Lee,
Combs, of St. Mary's, McLane,
Ford, Peter,
Gorman, Stump,
Hepbron, Sulivane—12.
Said bill was then read the third time, and rejected for
want of a constitutional majority, by yeas and nays as fol-