sage to the House to return, 590; returned, 609;
reconsidered, 610; amended, read third time and
passed, 637-8; petitions for and against the incor-
poration of Lonaconing in, read and referred,
264, 323.
Leave for bill to incorporate Lonaconing in,
254; reported, read first time, 765; second, 851;
third and passed, 930.
House bill to direct County Commissioners of,
to investigat the claim of John Welch for taxes
paid in error, and refund such sum as may be due;
received, read and referred, 256; reported, read
second time, 269; third and passed, 288.
See Cumberland.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal Art. 1,
Sec. 199, Code P. L. L., entitled, sub-title Birds,
as enacted by A. A. 1874, Ch. 23, and enact
other sections to be known as Secs. 199, 199 A,
199 B, 199 C, 199 D; received, read and referred,
309; reported, amended, read second time, 530;
third and passed, 597.
House bill for County Commissioners of, to pay
such sum as they may find justly due Wm. H.
Moore; received, read and referred, 309; reported,
read second time, 329; third and passed, 454.
House bill to repeal Art. 1, Sec. 62, Code P.
L. L., title, sub-title Elections, and enact other
sections in lieu thereof ; received, read and re-
ferred, 309; reported, read second time, 329; third
and passed, 651.
House bill to repeal A. A. 1876, Ch. 11, au-
thorizing County Commissioners of, to tax dogs
in, and enact the following in lieu thereof; re-
ceived, read and referred, 310; reported, amend-
ed, read second time, 469-70; third and passed,
House bill to add section to Art. 1, Code P. L.
L., entitled, sub-title Surveyor, to Section 202;
received, read and referred, 310; reported, read
second time, 329; third and passed, 624.
House bill to transfer to, and Garrett County
the control of the National Turnpike or United
States Road in said counties; received; read and