282; second, 341; third and passed, 390; returned
passed, 703.
House bill to pay M. Bannon and, for profes-
sional services rendered the State, receive!, read
and referred, 377; reported, read second time, 569 ,
third and passed, 698.
ALLEGANY COUNTY—Leave for bill to amend the char-
ter and enlarge the powers of the American Coal
Company of, 90; reported, read first time, 144;
second, 185; third and passed, 231; returned,
passed, 835.
House bill to amend Art. 1, Sections 99 and 102?
Code P. L. L., entitled, sub-title "Manufactures
and Miners," received, read and referred, 109; re-
ported unfavorably, 316; message to the House to
return, 337; returned, 354; reported, amended,
read second time, 441; third and passed, 585.
House bill to sanction the bequest of Nancy
Donovan to St. Patrick's Catholic Church of
Cumberland in, received, read and referred, 111;,
reported, read second time, 118; third and passed,
House bill to amend A. A. 1874, Ch. 144,
SXC. 5, entitled an Act to repeal A. A. 1872,
Ch. 212, Secs. 5 and 6, entitled an Att to provide
for taking the vote upon a new county in certain
election districts of, received, read and referred^
111; reported, read second time, 126; third and
passed, 147.
House bill to amend Art. 1, Sec. 13, Code P. L.
L., entitled, sub-title County Commissioners; re-
ceived, read and referred, 135; reported, read sec-
ond time, 156; third and passed, 174.
House bill to amend Art. 1, Sec, 9, Code P. L.
L., entitled, sub-title Circuit Court; received, read
and referred, 135; reported, read second time, 179;
third and passed, 238.
House bill to amend A. A. 1876, Ch. 173, Secs.
2, 3, 7, and 12, regulating the working of and
appointment of inspector for coal mines in, and
Garrett County; received, read and referred, 183;
reported, amended, read second time, 402-7;
mended, read third time and passed, 595; ines-