720 State Papers and Addresses
blasted out of existence, and their utility to the German War machine thus
brought to an end. More and more, with the aid of American industry and
trained American flyers, this war of destruction will be carried home definitely
to Germany. Not only will it interfere seriously with the flow of needed sup-
plies to the German armies in Russia and elsewhere, but already it is helping to
undermine the one thing that could quickly cause a German breakdown.
These air raids are beginning to convince the German people that a formid-
able foe is now pitted against them.
Up here in Aberdeen, close to the testing grounds of the Army's big guns,
the residents of Harford County have some idea of the vast scope of America's
war industries. A little distance away, the tremendous Glenn L. Martin Plant
is impressive, not only in the amount of bombers that it turns out daily but also
as a symbol of the most unbelievable capacity of America in airplane construc-
Multiply the Martin production many times over by the plants in New
England, in the Middle West, in Texas, and on the Pacific Coast, and picture the
output piloted by the products of our great training schools along the East
Coast, in Chicago, on the Great Plains of Arizona and the mountain states, and
one cannot feel the slightest doubt but that through this medium America is
producing the one thing that will unquestionably be the deciding factor in this
Yes, the ships, the guns, the tanks, the food being produced in such great
quantities here in Maryland and elsewhere, all these are important. It was
with the airplane, however, that Germany went through to its quick initial
victories, and I believe that through the airplane, and through the work, inci-
dentally, of thousands of Marylanders in the Maryland Airplane Plants, the
United Nations will be supplied that deciding spark that will eventually blast
the German and Japanese hopes for Victory into oblivion.
We can hope that this final Victory will come soon. We cannot, however,
allow our hopes to deter our hands. Until Hitler is Crushed beyond retrieve,
until the warlords of Japan, with their armies stalled, their Navy and flying
forces beaten into destruction, realize the hopelessness1 of their battle for su-
premacy in the Far East, until that day, we must continually step up our war
effort, we must leave undone no single thing that could possibly contribute
to overwhelming and final United Nations Victory.
We have but one job to do now, to WIN THIS WAR, and we cannot falter
in the doing. With the Russian armies struck by Hitler's thrust, and with
England on the defensive at the gates to the Suez Canal, we may be sure that
Hitler will do everything possible to push his progress while the advantage is
with his forces, and we must be prepared to meet, and beat, his mightiest effort.