616 State Papers and Addresses
March 10, 1942
THE sincere hope of every person in Maryland is that our State may never
experience invasion or attack. That we should consider such a thing as
possible is in itself a terrible shock to the American state of mind. Neverthe-
less, with so much of the world overrun by the enemies of Democracy, and with
the invasion of Java and New Guinea as well as other points in the Australian
Archipelago fresh in our minds, we would be follish, indeed, not to be prepared,
as completely as possible, for any such happening, even here in Maryland.
Our people didn't want this war and, prior to the dastardly and cowardly
attack on Pearl Harbor, the thought of sending American troops to fight in far-
away lands was abhorrent to the minds of every American. Recent develop-
ments of the most threatening nature, however, have completely changed Amer-
ica's attitude toward the present conflict. The unexpected and continuing suc-
cess of the Japanese forces, who have swept everything before them except
General MacArthur's heroic band in the Philippines, have impressed on our
minds most forcibly that new tactics are demanded.
That is why, in the recent past, there has become evident a tremendous
demand on the part of Americans everywhere, that our leaders forsake a de-
fensive policy and pursue this war in typical American fashion by carrying
the offensive to the enemy at every possible point.
But this plan, if adopted, will make necessary additional protective forces
in the states of our Country, particularly those like Maryland, situated along
the coastlines. It is about this matter of necessarity that I desire to speak to
the people of Maryland tonight.
Let us review briefly the various steps, and then consider why and to what
extent Maryland confronted with danger and what we must do at once to
protect our citizens. The Federal Government faces the tremendous task of
training the largest military and naval establishment in our Nation's history.
After the hundreds of thousands, and even millions, of our men are trained and
equipped, they must be transported, far and wide, over the seven seas to over-
come the enemy outside continental United States. Every available man in
the combat forces will be needed in this far-flung offensive. This means that
if any number of soldiers, trained for military operations, would be retained
within the United States for guard duty, or for any other routine defense
purpose, that would entail a loss to our Country's striking power.
The Federal Government, of course, is the one which assumes the responsi-
bility for the conduct of war. But the State Government has its obligation, also,