of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 337
Public Assistance are unemployable and without funds. With increased im-
provement in industry and business, more funds should be available also for
support of persons in other categories. I therefore, feel that the relief pro-
gram can be adequately cared for with a sum no greater than allowed in 1941,
with the exception of the increases above mentioned.
Under the law, the Board of Public Welfare recommends to the Governor
appropriations to hospitals for the care of the indigent sick, and also aid to
institutions caring for the aged and for dependent children.
Formerly, the Board of State Aid and Charities, which was the predecessor
of the State Board of Public Welfare, also recommended appropriations for
privately conducted colleges. The latter group of institutions is not included in
the recommendations of the Board of Public Welfare. I will also make some
further discussion under the general heading of Education in this message.
The Board of Public Welfare a year ago established a division for the con-
sideration of appropriations to homes for aged and dependent children.
The recommendations in this budget to State Aided institutions are based
upon criteria which now form an intelligent guide for determination for State
aid to these important institutions.
It will be noted in the budget for the State Department of Public Welfare
that a lump sum of $13, 000. 00 has been appropriated for distribution for child-
caring institutions, this distribution to be in the discretion of the Board of
Public Welfare. A total increased amount of $50, 700. 00 was allowed to hospi-
tals, but owing to certain other adjustments and decreases, a net increase of
$45, 150. 00 is the result.
The above increases are exactly in accordance with the recommendations
of the Board of Public Welfare and I have included all of the additional amounts
for these State Aided Institutions recommended by the Board.
In addition to the University of Maryland, with all of the educational
facilities available in that institution, the State has for many years contributed
to privately operated colleges, including the Johns Hopkins University, St.
John's College, Washington College, and Western Maryland College.
With reference to the Johns Hopkins University, that institution was re-
quested years ago by the State to establish an Engineering School, and the
Legislature appropriated funds for the construction of the buildings now used
as an Engineering School at the University. An appropriation was also made
for scholarships and an additional sum toward the operating expenses of the
school. The cost of operation has increased very greatly since this contractual
arrangement was effected with the State, and the money appropriated at that
time for scholarships is not adequate to carry out the intent of the law. For
this reason and also to enable the institution to train engineers for the present
emergency, I am recommending an increase in the appropriation, of $12, 500. 00.
I am recommending the following appropriations to the other colleges:
St. John's College........................................................ $63, 000. 00
Washington College...................................................... 58, 500. 00
Western Maryland College.......................................... 55, 000. 00