of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 333
Junior Account Clerk
Junior Stenographer
Hospital Attendant
Dining Room Supervisor
Night Supervisor
Two Cottage Masters
Music Teacher
Two additional Elementary Teachers
Vocational Instructor in Mechanics
Vocational Instructor in Carpentry
In the appropriation for expenses it is necessary to allow an increased
amount for food, in order that a more adequate and balanced diet can be pro-
vided; an additional sum for fuel, because of the new buildings to be con-
structed; an increased amount for vocational and educational supplies and
equipment. As the buildings are in need of repairs, funds have been provided
for that purpose as well.
With the increased appropriations being recommended, I feel that the
institution's physical plant will be put in good condition and necessary training
facilities provided for the boys. The population in the institution is 420, and the
per capita cost for 1942-1943 will be $335. 00.
The increase to this Department is $21, 230. 00, all of which is for new ac-
tivities as set forth in the budget detail. These activities comprise provision
1. An additional chemist in the central laboratory. This chemist is neces-
sary not only because of the increase in the regular work in the examination
of foods and drugs, but also to assist in the examination of specimens from
persons suspected of having become ill because of their employment. An im-
portant part of this new activity will be the examination of the blood of work-
ers to determine lead content in cases of illness suspected to be lead poisoning.
2. A chemist and a technician at a branch chemical laboratory to be
established on the Eastern Shore. Because of the increase in work, the neces-
sity for following the latest methods of analysis, and to make the results more"
promptly available to the industries concerned, it is planned to establish a
branch chemical laboratory on the Eastern Shore. This will avoid the necessity
of long trips of the specimens from the point of taking to the central laboratory
in Baltimore, as well as waste of money. Under such conditions, not infre-
quently samples spoil and are not in proper shape for examination. Lack of
this facility has been a real handicap in examing specimens of foods from the
Eastern Shore of the State.
3. Two additional stenographers in the Bureau of Communicable Diseases,
who are needed in order to assist in the statistical study of tuberculosis and
the venereal diseases.
4. Two additional clerks in the Bureau of Vital Statistics who are needed
principally for the purpose of assisting the public in filing certificates of delay-
ed registration. Proof of citizenship is now required for workers in many