of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 33. 1
teachers. Increase in the Equalization Fund Legislature is due, in large
measure, to the effect of an Act passed by the 1939 Legislature increasing
teachers salaries. White elementary, teachers and school principles received
$200. 00 additional if they held degrees.
All white teachers with more than eight years of experience, previously
paid in accordance with the 1922 minimum Salary schedule, received an in-
crement of'$100. 00 if their certificates were first-class.. White teachers having
eight years experience, whose certificates are rated first-class, will, receive an
increase of $100. 00 each two years in 1942, 1944 and 1946 and one of $50. 00 in
1948 when they will reach the maximum possible in the seventeenth year of ser-
vice. For teachers without degrees, the maximum salary schedule is $1, 600. 00,
while for teachers with degrees it is $1, 800. 00. In the Public School Budget for
1942 and 1943, the Equalization Fund includes $100. 00 increments for 1, 877
and 205 teachers, respectively, having nine or more years experience. There are
also $50. 00 increments in 1942 and 1943 for 327 and 405 teachers, respectively,
in the third, fifth and seventh years of experience. Since the elementary school
population increases but little, it will be seen that the increase in the Equaliza-
tion Fund is due largely to the increase in teachers salaries. It should be said,
of course, that the equalization base was increased from 47 to 51 so that the
counties pay for a part of this increase. High school enrollment has increased
by approximately 2, 000 this year.
It will be noted that the next largest item increased is for the Teachers'
Retirement System, but here the comparison with 1941 should be adjusted by
adding to the figure for that year, namely $409, 538. 00, the amount of $102, 501, -
00 which, as above stated, was overpaid.
The other increases total for 1942 $71, 196. 00 for the purposes indicated.
Attention is called to the increase of $7, 000. 00 for the State Teachers College,
Bowie, which is necessary to increase salaries of the faculty in order to make
them comparable with salaries being paid to colored teachers in elementary
schools in the same area.
The Bond Issue recommends $51, 000. 00 to the State Teachers College at
Towson, of which $50, 000. 00 will be for the completion of the gymnasium;
$100, 000. 00 is already available, appropriated by the last Legislature, but it
was impossible to construct and equip the building for that sum, as the lowest
bid was $150, 000. 00. I am, therefore, including the additional amount neces-
sary, plus $1, 000. 00 for general equipment.
Recommended also, is an appropriation of $30, 000. 00 to the State Teachers
College at Bowie for water supply, remodeling of dining room for a gymnasium,
and laboratory equipment. To the State Teachers College at Salisbury, I am
recommending $5, 000. 00 for library equipment.
Maryland State School for the Deaf—This is the only State school for the
deaf. It trains 180 students, at a per capita cost which for 1942 and 1943, will
be $484. 00. I am recommending in the Bond Issue an appropriation of $15, 000. 00
for needed improvements and equipment.
Maryland Training School for Boys—This Institution, an effective instru-
ment for training white boys who have come in conflict with the law, within the
last few months has been forced to refuse admission to a number of boys con-
victed by the courts because of lack of room. In order to meet this situation,
I am recommending in the Bond Issue Bill an appropriation of $115, 000. 00 for
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