Strike out the words and figures "twenty-five dol-
lars," and on page 2 line 2 and insert in lieu thereof
the words and figures "fifty dollars, ($50)."
Which was adopted.
Which was read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Also unfavorably.
House bill, File No. 34, entitled "An Act to em-
power the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to
acquire by condemnation or otherwise additional lots
of ground within the city of Baltimore, for the erection
of fire engine houses, and to erect fire engine houses
thereon, and to purchase permanent equipments for
extinguishing fires, including a new fire boat ; and for
such purposes or any of them to appropriate from
time to time subject to- the jurisdiction of the Board
of Estimates, out of the sum of four million, four
hundred and twenty-two thousand, four hundred and
sixty dollars and seventy-four cents, ($4,422,460.74)
forming part of the purchase price paid by the Fuller
Syndicate for the interests of the city of Baltimore in
the Western Maryland Railroad Company, and here-
tofore passed to the credit of the general sinking fund
of said city, sums not exceeding in the whole two
hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000) dollars."
Unfavorable report adopted.
Also unfavorably, :
House bill, File No. 22, entitled "An Act to em-
power the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to ac-
quire by condemnation or otherwise, additional lots
of ground within the city of Baltimore for the erec-
tion of public school buildings, and to erect public
school buildings thereon, and for such purposes to
appropriate from time to time, subject to the jurisdic-
tion of the Board of Estimates, out of the sum of four
million, four hundred and twenty-two thousand, four
hundred and sixty dollars and seventy-four cents,
($4,422,460.74) forming part of the purchase price
paid by the Fuller Syndicate for the interests of the
city of Baltimore in the Western Maryland Railroad