obligations 1 am under. I am mindful of the fact that
I am undertaking a task full of difficulty that can
only be met by your hearty co-operation.
The Legislative Session upon winch we are about to
enter, is one of more than ordinary importance. The
majority of you were elected upon a platform, which
committed you to preserve in every conservative and
constitutional way, the political ascendancy of the
white race in Maryland.
In order that this pledge may be carried out, it may
become necessary not only to amend the present elec-
tion law, but that the Organic Law of the State shall
be changed in the shape of a Constitutional amend-
ment. Whatever is to be done along this line,
gentlemen, let us do it promptly."
The party in power in this State, of which we are an
important factor, have made certain pledges to the
people of Maryland, and these pledges must be kept,
for we will be held responsible for the things which
are done here, and for the things we leave undone,
let us discharge our duties in a manner that will enable
us to render a strict account to the people whom we
represent. Let us enact into laws only those measures
that are wholesome for the good of the State and
people, and are really needed.
I shall endeavor to perform the duties of Speaker
the best I can, but I ask the hearty co-operation of
each member, and I should not have attempted to till
this very important position, did I not believe I would
have your active co-operation.
It shall be my aim to hear you all, and treat you
My ambition is, that you gentlemen, and I together,
may so conduct this House of Delegates that it may
reflect honor upon the State we represent. And in
conclusion I desire to say that the mistakes 1 shall
make, will be mistakes of the head and not of the
heart. I am now ready to take the oath prescribed by
the Constitution.
I now request the Hon. Joshua H. Cockey, of Balti-
more county, to administer the oath of office.