and reanact with amendments chapter 93, entitled 'An
Act to add to the power of the Mayor and Council of
Tokoma Park, Maryland, and form a component part of
the charter of said town and chapter 112, entitled An
Act to add a new section to the charter of Tokoma Park,
in Prince George's and Montgomery counties, as said
charter was enacted by chapter 430 of the General
Assembly of Maryland at its session in 1890, and
amended by chapter 558 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1894 and further amended by chapter 310
of the Acts of the Assembly of 1896, said chapters 93
and 112 being passed at the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland in 1900, and to add in lieu thereof
a new section to be known as section 40 A, R, C, D, E,
F, G and H, said [section to add to the powers of the
mayor and council of the town of Tokoma Park, Mary-
land, and form a component part of the charter of said
town as enacted by chapter 480 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland at its session of 1890,
and amended by chapter 558 of the Acts of the Assem-
bly of 1894, and further amended by chapter 310 of
the Assembly of 1896.
On motion of Mr. Hall (by request),
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judic-
iary to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to repeal sec-
tion 30 of Article 27, Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, title 'Crimes and Punishments,' sub-title
'Concealed Weapons,' and to re-enact the same with
Mr. Keys, from Select Committee, reported favor-
House bill entitled "An Act to authorize the Presi-
dent and Com missioners of Chesapeake city to issue
bonds of said town to pay off the indebtedness of said
town, growing out of a suit of Messrs. Ayres J. Em-
mons and otherwise."
On motion of Mr. Godwin, of Baltimore city,
At 11:30 a. m.,
The House took a recess until 11.55 a. m.