pany/ and to re enact the said section 7 and 8 of said
Act with amendments."
Which was read the nrst, time, and referred to the
Committee on Colorations.
Senate bill, File No. 95, entitled "An Act to repeal
and re-enact with amendments, chapter 186, of the
Acts of 1900, entitled 'An Act lo fix the limit and de-
termine the term of office of the County Commissioners
of Queen Anne's county, that shall hereafter be elected
or appointed, perpetuating succession to the same,
and repealing all laws so far as they are inconsistent,
with the provisions of this Act."
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Queen Anne's delegation.
Senate bill, File No. 94, entitled "An Act to provide
for the donation of a copy of each volume of the
Archives of the State of Maryland, published by the
Maryland Historical Society, to the Washington
County Free Library."
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Committee on Judiciary.
Senate bill, File No. 87, entitled "An Act to give
powers to the Board of Trustees of the Fifth Regi-
ment Armory, to rent the Fifth Regiment Armory
temporarily, and to authorize the city of Baltimore to
provide temporary quarters for the Fifth Regiment
Infantary. Maryland National Guard."
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Committe on Militia.
Senate bill, File No. 69, entitled "An Act to add an
additional section to Article 28 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, title 'Corporations,' sub-
title 'General Regulations' to follow immediately after
section 85 L, of said Article, and to be known as 'Sec-
tion 85 L, one (1),' of said Article, relating to the lia-