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Session Laws, 1947 Special Session
Volume 404, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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the Board of Public Works not later than July 1, 1948,
a detailed plan and program for providing the Legislature
with suitable space for offices and committee rooms.

WHEREAS, the State House does not provide the Legisla-
ture with adequate space for offices and committee rooms
and the State House is in need of improvements and modern-
ization; and

WHEREAS, the Legislative Council has recommended that
the State House be improved and modernized and that there
be constructed a legislative building to provide the Legisla-
ture with additional space for offices and committee rooms;

WHEREAS, there may be available for use by the Legisla-
ture space in the Court of Appeals Building and/or the
State Office Building; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Governor be and he hereby is authorized

and directed to appoint on or before January 1, 1948, a
Commission to be known as the Commission on the State
House and Legislative Office Space, said Commission to be
composed of four members of the Senate, to be designated
by the President of the Senate, four members of the House
of Delegates, to be designated by the Speaker of the House
of Delegates, and seven residents and citizens of the State of
Maryland, to be designated by the Governor; and be it

Resolved, that said Commission on the State House and
Legislative Office Space be and it hereby is authorized and

directed (1) to make a study and survey of the requirements
of the Legislature for space for offices and committee rooms,
(2) to make a study and survey of the space in the State
House presently available for such purposes and that can be
made available by improvements to and modernization of
the State House, (3) to make a study and survey of the
space in the Court of Appeals Building and the State Office
Building that can be made available to the Legislature for
offices and committee rooms, including any additions, im-
provements and modernization necessary to make such space
available to the Legislature, and (4) to make a study and
survey of the need and desirability of constructing a new
legislative building in the vicinity of the State House in
order to provide the Legislature with suitable space for
offices and committee rooms and the design and plans for
any such building; and be it further


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Session Laws, 1947 Special Session
Volume 404, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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