Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
members of the Liquor Control Board of Allegany County be
and they are hereby appointed a committee to study and
examine all phases of the proposal to establish a Wholesale
Liquor Dispensary in said County; and be it further
Resolved, That the said committee be and it is hereby
directed to make such other studies as to it may seem de-
sirable relative to the administration of the Alcoholic Bever-
ages Laws applicable to Allegany County; and be it further
Resolved, That the said committee shall report, in writing,
to the County Commissioners of Allegany County not later
than October 1, 1948, its recommendations as to the establish-
ment of a Wholesale Liquor Dispensary for Allegany County
and any amendments which it thinks should be made to the
laws relating to the licensing and sale of alcoholic beverages
in said County; and be it further
Resolved, That for the purpose of making such investiga-
tion and studies, the said committee may hold public hearings
and assemble such information and data as it may deem
desirable or necessary; and be it further
Resolved, That the County Commissioner of Allegany County
shall appropriate a sum sufficient to enable the said committee
to make an effective and complete study and survey of the
whole subject as to the licensing and sale of alcoholic bever-
ages in Allegany County; and be it further
Resolved, That Joint Resolution No. 22, passed at the 1947
Regular Session of the General Assembly, be and it is hereby
repealed; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland be and
he is hereby directed to send copies of this Resolution to the
President of the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany
County and to the Chairman of the Liquor Control Board of
said County.
Approved November 10, 1947.
NO. 3.
(House Joint Resolution 1)
A House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to ap-
point a Commission on the State House and Legislative
Office Space and directing said Commission to report to