142. An act to amend an
act, entitled an act to incorporate the
Sams Creek Railroad Company, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter three hundred.
143. An act to authorise the Trustees of Primary
School number
two, in the upper election district of Caroline county, to apply
the surplus money towards the building of a new school
144. An act for the relief of Anna J. Walker, Samuel
and William Anderson.
145. An act to authorise the School Commissioners
of Frederick
county, to establish a new school district in said county.
146. An act for the relief of the President and
Managers of
the High Street Wharf Company of Cambridge, in Dorchester
147. An act to fix the per diem of the Judges of
the Orphans
Court of Queen Anne's and Kent counties, as per section seventeenth,
article the fourth of the Constitution.
148. An act for the relief of Daniel M. Henry, of
149. An act amendatory to an act passed at December
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter two hundred and six,
to establish primary schools in Dorchester county, to lay off a
school district in number eight election district in said county, to
be called the Union School district.
150. An act to amend the charter of the Baltimore
151. An act authorising the Trustees of Primary
School district
number eight, in the first election district of Kent county, to
change the site of the school house in said district, to sell the
ground whereon the present school is located and if deemed
necessary to build or purchase other in lieu thereof.
152. An act to authorise the County Commissioners
of Worcester
county, to sell a portion of the Almshouse property in said
153. An act to incorporate the Youghogany Valley
154. An act to make public certain roads in the
first and eighth
districts of Prince George's county.
155. An act to authorise the County Commissioners
of Washington
county, to levy a sum of money for paying the crier of the
Circuit Court in said county a per diem, and to abolish the fees
of said office.
156. An act to exempt borrowed stoves from execution
157. An act to authorise the Circuit Court for Carroll