accounts or columns of the estates and property in
counties and city respectively, as required by the thirtieth
section of the act of eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
chapter three hundred and thirty-seven, entitled,
an act to provide for the general valuation and assessment
of property in this State.
Passed Feb.
5, 1853.
No. 3.
Preamble and resolution in relation to the Pay and
Muster Rolls of the war of
WHEREAS, by an act passed by the
Congress of the
United States, entitled " an act granting bounty lands
to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged
in the military service of the United States," it is provided,
that each of the surviving, or the widow or
minor children of deceased commissioned and non-commissioned
officers, musicians or privates, whether
of regular, volunteers, rangers or militia, who performed
military service in any regiment, company or detachment
in the service of the United States in the war
with Great Britain, declared by the United States on
the eighteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and
twelve, &c.; And whereas, all of the muster and pay
rolls of the officers and soldiers who served in the war
of eighteen hundred and twelve, as above stated, containing
the evidence of services of the officers and soldiers
of the State of Maryland, were sent to the War
Department, at Washington, or to the proper department
to settle the accounts for their services aforesaid;
And whereas, many of the said officers and soldiers do
not no recollect the names of the officers under whom
they served, so as to assert their rights and establish their
claims to the bounty lands under the above mentioned
act of Congress, for the want of convenient access to
said muster and pay rolls; and many of the widows
and minor children of deceased officers and soldiers
are deprived of all the benefits of said acts of Congress
for the want of the evidence of their claim to the
bounty which can only be obtained by reference to
said muster and pay rolls; Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That his Excellency the Governor be respectfully