SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That the county commissioners
of Baltimore county, shall make publication
of the result of the said election, and if any one place
designated or voted for shall receive a majority of the
whole number of votes cast, such place shall be declared
the county seat for said county; Provided, such
place be within the limits of said coutny proper; but if
no place shall receive a majority of the whole number
of votes at the first balloting, the county commissioners
shall appoint a day after, at least fifteen days notice be
given by the said county commissioners in each newspaper
printed in said county, for holding a second election,
when the voters shall be confined in their choice
to the three places having the highest number of votes
at the first election, and if no one of the three places
voted for at the second election authorised by this act,
has not a majority of all the votes cast in its favor, then
the county commissioners shall proceed to give notice
for a third election in like manner as provided for the
second election under this act, when the voters shall be
confined in their choice to the two places having the
highest number of votes at the second election, the
place receiving the greatest number of votes of these
two shall be the county seat of justice for said county.
Publication to
be made of
result of election.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That this act shall not
go into effect unless the provisions of an act passed at
the present session of the General Assembly entitled an
act to carry into effect in part the valuation and division
of the joint property of the city and county of Baltimore,
and for adjusting their mutual concerns, be first
mutually accepted by the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, and the county commissioners of Baltimore
coutny, when this is done it shall be the duty of the
county commissioners to cause this act to be published
in each newspaper printed in Baltimore county until
the day of election, as prescribed by the first section of
this act.
Into effect.