Passed May
31, 1853.
AN ACT to confer on the Superior Court of Baltimore
city concurrent jurisdiction in the matter of opening
and closing streets.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the superior court for Baltimore
city, shall have and exercise concurrent jurisdiction with
the criminal court of Baltimore in appeals from the decisions
of any commissioners, or other persons, appointed
in virtue of any ordinance, to ascertain the damage
which will be caused, or the benefit which will accrue to
the owners or possessors of grounds or improvements by
locating, opening, extending, widening, straightening,
or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square,
lane or alley, within the city of Baltimore.
Right on appeal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That appeals may be
taken from the superior court in the matters mentioned
in the first section of this act, to the court of appeals in
the same manner as appeals may be taken from the
criminal court of Baltimore in like cases.
Passed May
30, 1853.
AN ACT to provide for the location of a County Seat
for Baltimore county.
To open polls.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the judges of election for Baltimore
county shall open polls on the third Wednesday of November
next, at the usual place and usual hour in each
election district of said county, at which the qualified
voters of the said county may vote by written or printed
ballots, designating thereon the place for locating the
county seat of justice, where shall be erected a court
house and other appropriate buildings for the said county.
Return to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the aforesaid
judges shall make a return to the clerk of the circuit
court, as returns are made for delegates to the General
Assembly, of the result of such votes, showing the
number given in favor of the several sites designated or
voted for.