Passed May
31, 1853.
AN ACT to provide a seal for the office of the Secretary
of State, and for authenticating his records.
Seal of office
to be made.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That the Secretary of State shall cause a seal of office
to be made for his department, and all copies of
records or papers in his office, authenticated under the
said seal shall be evidence equally as the original record
or paper; Provided, that no copy of a record or paper
shall be given out or certified by the said secretary of
any order, entry or action of the Governor without the
approbation of the Governor.
Passed May
31, 1853.
AN ACT to incorporate the Bank of Howard County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Charles Carroll, of Doughoregan
Manor, Thomas B. Dorsey, Hugh Ely, Charles W.
Dorsey, William Hughes, William W. Watkins and
George R. Gaither, be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners with authority to establish a Banking
Institution at Ellicotts Mills, by the name of the Bank
of Howard County, the capital of which shall be one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in shares of twenty-five
dollars each; and the said Banking Institution
shall be, and he is hereby incorporated with all the
privileges and responsibilities of bodies politic and corporate,
and the said commissioners shall appoint the
times for taking subscriptions to the stock, for choosing
directors and for putting the bank into operation.
Rights, powers,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the aforesaid bank
from the time its capital stock shall be actually paid up
in gold and silver coin, or in either, and not before, shall
be entitled to all the rights, powers and privileges, and
be subject to all the duties, restrictions, limitations and
conditions of the several banks comprehended in an
act entitled, an act to continue the corporate existence
of the several Banking Institutions therein mentioned,
passed at the present session of the General Assembly,