AN ACT to repeal the proviso to the act of eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, chapter twenty-three, entitled,
a supplement to an act entitled, an act to prohibit
the owners of vessels and others, from navigating
the same, by and under the sole command of
negroes or mulattoes, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter one hundred
and fifty, as relates to Anne Arundel county.
Passed May
31, 1853.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That the proviso to the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, chapter twenty-three, entitled, a supplement
to an act entitled, an act to prohibit the owners of
vessels and others from navigating the same, by and
under the sole command of negroes or mulattoes, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
chapter one hundred and fifty, which exempts the citizens
of Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties, from
the operation and effects of that act, be, and the same
is hereby repealed.
Act repealed.
AN ACT to authorise the courts of this State to admit
David O'Connell to practice law
Passed May
31, 1853.
WHEREAS, David O'Connell, a resident
of the city
of Baltimore, has represented that being born an alien
he did in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
make his declaration of an intention to become a citizen
of the United States, conformably to the act of
Congress in such case provided, and has petitioned that
he may be admitted to practice law in this State, notwithstanding
he has not yet become such citizen.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the several courts of Maryland,
are hereby authorised to admit David O'Connell, to
practice the profession of law, although not yet a citizen
of the United States if deemed by said courts otherwise
Authority to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.