Passed May
27, 1853.
AN ACT to incorporate the Elkton, Andora and Lewisville
Plank Road Company.
to make a
plank road.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company be incorporated to make
a plank road from Elkton to Cherry Hill, Andora and
Fair Hill, in Cecil county, and thence northward to
the Pennsylvania State line, at some point on said line,
at or near Lewisville, in Chester county in the State of
books to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That subscription books
shall be opened at Elkton and Fair Hill, in Cecil
county, under the direction of John Mackie, Joshua
L. Gatchel, George Eatle, Francis Parke, junior, and
Samuel B. Foard, for a capital stock of twenty thousand
dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each, who
are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose
aforesaid, who after at least twenty days notice in two
newspapers, printed in Cecil county aforesaid, of the
time and place of opening said subscription books, at
which time and place at least three of the above
named commissioners shall attend, and shall permit
all persons and corporations, who shall offer to subscribe,
in person or by attorney, for stock, in said
books, which shall be kept open for that purpose at
least four hours in each day for three successive days,
at each of the above named places, if necessary, and if
the whole of the said capital stock be not there subscribed
for, the said commissioners may re-open said
books at such time and place as they may think fit,
under the direction of said commissioners or any three
of them, for further subscriptions, from time to time,
until the whole of said stock be subscribed to; Provided,
always, that every person offering to subscribe in
said books, in his own or any other name, shall at the
time of subscribing pay to the attending commissioners
two dollars on each and every share so subscribed,
which payment the said commissioners shall pay over
to the treasurer of the corporation as soon as the same
shall be organised, and the officers chosen, as hereinafter
All subscriptions