than twenty dollars, to be collected and appropriated
other fines in similar cases; and said company are
hereby allowed to ask and receive, for the use of their
wharf and warehouses, such rates as are customary to
be asked and received for similar accommodations.
Authority to
SEC. 9. And be it enacted,
That the county commissioners
of Cecil county, be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, if in their discretion they shall
deem it advisable, and to the interest of said county, in
view of the payment of the annual sum of eighty dollars,
which is now paid by said county to keep up the
ferry at Bohemia river, to appropriate such sum or sums
of money, to aid in the construction of said bridge, as
they may deem expedient and proper; the said money
if appropriated, to be levied on the assessable property
of said county, and appropriated in such manner and
upon such terms as to the said county commissioners
may appear best for the interest of the citizens of said
county; Provided, that the amount of money so levied
and appropriated, as aforesaid, shall not exceed the
sum of two thousand dollars.
Passed May
27, 1853.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Hancock, in Washington
Limits and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Hancock,
in Washington county, beginning at a culvert
over the Little Tenolaway creek, west of Hancock, running
east with the Benn bank of the Chesapeake and
Ohio canal to a ravine near the house of Jacob Fry,
thence with said ravine north one-fourth of a mile;
thence west with a parallel line with the Benn bank of
said canal to Tenolaway creek, thence with said creek
to the place of beginning, and that the limits and bounds
as above described shall be and constitute the town of
Hancock; and the citizens of the same shall be and
are made and constituted a body corporate, by the name
of the burgess and commissioners of Hancock, and as
such shall have succession, and by their incorporate
name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in
the several courts of this State; and may have and use