subscribe to the stock of said company, be, and they
are hereby incorporated a body politic, for making a
turnpike road, to be commenced at some point within
the corporate limits of the town of Hagerstown, and
extended to Smithsburg, through Chewsville and Cavetown.
Capital stock.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the capital stock
of said company shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars,
to be divided into shares of twenty dollars each,
and as soon as subscribers to said stock, amounting to
the sum of ten thousand dollars, are obtained, a majority
so subscribing, shall give three weeks publication in
one or more newspapers published in Hagerstown, of
the time and place designated by them for the stockholders
in said company to meet, for the purpose of
organizing said corporation, choosing by a plurality of
votes by ballot, a president and five managers, three of
whom shall constitute a quorum; and they shall select
in the same manner, by ballot, a treasurer, and such
other officers, as they shall deem necessary for conducting
the affairs of said company, until the last Monday
in November thereafter, and until a new election shall
be held, which said election shall be held annually, on
the last Monday of November, and that said president
and managers shall make such rules, by-laws and
regulations as may to them seem necessary, for the well
governing of the affairs of said company.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That the stockholders in
said company shall be, and they are hereby incorporated
and constituted a body politic, by the name of the
Hagerstown and Smithsburg Turnpike Company, and
by the same name, shall have succession during the
continuance of this corporation, and the said stockholders
and their successors, by the name aforesaid, may
sue and be sued, answer and be answered, in any court
of law or equity in this State; and may do and execute
every other matter and thing by the name aforesaid,
that they are authorised to do in virtue of this act.
Power to receive
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That the president and
managers, after their election as hereinbefore provided
for, shall have full power to receive additional subscriptions
for the unsubscribed stock or vacant shares, and
when a sufficient sum has been raised and paid in, to
construct said road, no further subscription shall be
received; and said president managers shall cause
the road to be laid out on the bed of the county road
leading from Hagerstown, through the town of Chewsville
and Cavetown, to Smithsburg, deviating therefrom,
whenever it may be necessary to avoid hills or