Passed May
21, 1853.
AN ACT to reduce the Direct Tax.
Tax to be 15
it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners, and the
mayor and city council of Baltimore, in laying and
imposing the State direct tax, in the several counties,
and in the city of Baltimore, for the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, and for all future years, provided
for by the acts passed at March session, eighteen hundred
and forty-one, chapter twenty-three, and December
session, eighteen hundred and forty-one, chapter three
hundred and twenty-eight, shall impose an assessment
or tax of only fifteen cents in every hundred dollars
worth of assessable property, within their respective jurisdictions,
according to the valuation thereof; and that
so much of the said acts, passed at March session, eighteen
hundred and forty-one, chapter twenty-three, and
December session, eighteen hundred and forty-one,
chapter three hundred and twenty-eight, as imposes a
tax of twenty cents, and five cents, or one-fourth of one
per centum in the hundred dollars, be, and the same is
hereby repealed.
Duty of commissioners
and mayor
and city council
of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty
of the county commissioners, and the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, in laying and imposing the tax
aforesaid, under the provisions of this act, to be governed
by the assessment and valuation made, under the
provisions of the act passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-two, chapter three hundred and
thirty-seven, and the act now passed, or which may
hereafter be passed, supplemental thereto, or amendatory
thereof, as such assessment and valuation may
have been corrected and adjusted, according to the true
intent and meaning thereof.
Stock loans of
city of Baltimore,
&c., to
be taxed.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That there shall hereafter
be imposed and levied, on the assessed value of
the public debt of the State of Maryland, on the stock
loans of the city of Baltimore, of the capital stock of the
banks, and other incorporated institutions and companies
chartered by this State, and of any bonds, certificates
or other evidences of debt, bearing interest, which
shall have been issued by said incorporate institutions
or companies, for any loan contracted by them, the
same rate of direct tax as is provided in the first section
of this act; and that so much of any existing law or
laws, as imposes a tax of twenty-five cents, or one-fourth
of one per cent. on said public debt, stock loans, capital