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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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        E. LOUIS LOWE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                                        327
subject to the reasonable regulations of the said
company, and the payment of such tolls as they may
impose, not exceeding three cents per mile on
all goods, merchandize and other property, and not exceeding
two cents per mile for every passenger transported
thereon, and that the said company be and they
are hereby required to transport on said road, all coal or
other property of every description which may be
brought to said rail road for transportation under the restrictions
above stated.

     SEC. 5.  And be it further enacted, That for the time
being and until directors are chosen by the stockholders,
James Swann, Lafayette Maynard, R. W. Latham,
Duff Green and John W. Houston or a majority of them,
may organize and act as directors of the said company.
     SEC. 6.  And be it further enacted, That nothing
herein contained, shall be construed to give to the said
company banking privileges; and the Legislature reserves
the right at all times to alter or repeal the charter
hereby created.
     Banking forbid.


                           CHAPTER 247.

AN ACT to authorise the Treasurer to examine claims
     against the State for errors in the payment of taxes, and
     for sums erroneously paid into the treasury.

     Passed May
24, 1853.
     Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all persons having claims against the State,
for errors in the payment of their State taxes, or for
sums erroneously paid into the treasury, shall present
the same, with the proofs and vouchers thereof, to the
treasurer of the State, who is hereby authorised and
required, to examine the said claims and vouchers, and"
report to the Legislature at its next session, the names
of such persons as in his opinion, are entitled to an
allowance for said erroneous payments, and the amount
that ought to be paid to each.
authorised to

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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