toll houses, bridges or culverts thereof, or works
of any
description appurtenant thereto, it shall be necessary to
use, earth, gravel, sand or stone found on any lands adjacent
to said road, and the said president and managers or
their agent cannot procure the same by contract of the
owner or proprietor on reasonable terms, or in case the
owner should be a feme covert, non compos mentus,
under age, or out of the county, the same proceedings
in all respects shall be had as in the case before mentioned
of the assessment and condemnation of the land
required for said road or for the works appurtenant
SEC. 8. And be it enacted,
That said president and
directors shall commence making said road within two
years, and shall complete the same within six years
from the passage of this act, otherwise the right of said
company to said road shall revert to the State of Maryland.
When to be
and finished.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted,
That no subscriber,
member or stockholder of said company, shall be answerable
in his own person or individual property for
any debt contract or engagement of said company, president
or directors.
Not individually
AN ACT to repeal the charter of the Washington and
Rockville turnpike company, passed December session,
eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter ninety-seven.
Passed May
21, 1853.
WHEREAS, It is represented to
this General Assembly,
that the Washington and Rockville turnpike company
is willing to surrender its charter for the benefit of
the Union plank or turnpike road company; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the charter of said Washington and
Rockville turnpike company be, and the same is hereby
repealed; Provided, that the assent of said company
be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of Montgomery