either part may demand a jury for the trial of the
issue or issues involved.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That the county commissioners
of said county, shall levy a sum of money
upon the taxable property of said county sufficient to
defray all the expenses, and pay the owner or owners of
said land the amount awarded by said commissioners,
or by the circuit court in case of an appeal, and
from and after the return made by the commissioners or
a majority of them, the landing located as aforesaid,
shall be deemed forever thereafter a public landing;
Provided, that the property so laid off and condemned
as a public landing shall not be taken from the possession
of the owner until the amount assessed as compensation
therefor, shall have been paid or tendered and
an appeal from the decision of the commissioners shall
operate as a stay of proceedings, until the same shall
have been decided in the circuit court.
Authority to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That the commissioners
before entering on their duties shall give twenty days
public notice, and shall take an oath or affirmation that
they will faithfully execute the provisions of this act,
without partiality or prejudice, and for the execution of
the same they shall be entitled to receive two dollars
for every day they shall be necessarily engaged.
Notice to be
AN ACT to incorporate the Frankville Road Company.
Passed May
20, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That subscription books shall be opened
under the direction of William C. Cunningham,
John McHenry, Benjamin Tasker, Richard Fairall
and Trueman West, who are hereby appointed commissioners
for that purpose at such times and places as
they or a majority of them shall appoint for the capital
stock of a company not more than twenty thousand
dollars in shares of ten dollars each, and that as soon as
one thousand shares of said stock have been subscribed
for said commissioners or a majority of them shall certify
under their hands and seals to the clerk of the circuit