benefit of the public schools of said county, and
third section of the act of eighteen hundred and forty-nine,
chapter five hundred and thirty-one, which authorises
the board of school commissioners to employ a
clerk, not a member of the board, and all other acts or
parts of acts of Assembly, inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
AN ACT to carry into effect certain provisions in the
will of John Postly, of Worcester county, deceased.
Passed May
16, 1853.
WHEREAS, It is represented to
this General Assembly,
that a certain John Postly, late of Worcester county,
did by his last will and testament devise and bequest
a certain portion of his estate, to be applied for
the benefit and education of poor and necessitous young
people in Buckingham and Worcester Hundreds in Worcester
county, and appointed certain persons and their
successors, trustees for the management of the said
fund; And whereas, by an act of the General Assembly
of Maryland, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hundred and
twenty-eight, the trust and management of said fund
were vested in the trustees of Berlin Academy, in Worcester
county, to be used in their discretion in carrying
out the provisions of the aforesaid will of John Postly;
And whereas, it has also been represented to the General
Assembly by a large number of respectable citizens
of Worcester county, that the aforesaid trustees of Berlin
Academy now have said fund in hand, and are
using the same for the benefit and schooling of the indigent
children of the free school district of the town of
Berlin alone, thereby withholding from some fourteen
other school districts within the limits of what was
Buckingham and Worcester Hundreds, and which are
now Berlin and Saint Martin's election districts, all
participation in the benefits derivable from said fund;
And whereas, it is also represented that the said use and
management is contrary to the true intent and meaning
of the provisions in the will of the said Postly; And
whereas, it also appears that, according to the act of
Assembly, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter
two hundred and twenty-eight, provision is made that