Passed May
3, 1853.
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Hillsborough in
Caroline County.
WHEREAS, The citizens of the town
of Hillsborough,
Caroline county, Maryland, by petition in
writing have represented to this General Assembly, that
it would greatly contribute to the advantage and improvement
of said town if the same should be placed
under their care and regulation of certain commissioners
hereinafter named and vested with sufficient power
to forward and effect the purpose intended; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Hillsborough,
Caroline county, shall be, and they are hereby
constituted and made a body corporate by the name
of the president and commissioners of the town of
Hillsborough, and as such shall have succession and
by their corporate name may sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, grant, receive and do all other acts,
and may purchase and hold real and personal and
mixed property and dispose of the same for the benefit
of said town, and have and use a common seal, which
may be broken or altered at pleasure.
Election of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That all free white
male citizens of the town of Hillsborough, aforesaid,
above twenty-one years of age, who shall have bona
fide resided in said town for and during the space of
three months, and twelve months in the State, next
preceding the election, shall on the first Saturday of
April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and
fifty-four, at the academy in said town, and on the first
Saturday in April, in each and every year thereafter,
at said academy, or some other place appointed by the
commissioners, be authorised to elect five judicious and
discreet persons commissioners for the said town.
Notice to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That the acting president
of each board of commissioners, for the town
aforesaid, shall from time to time, cause the clerk thereof
to give public notice in writing at three conspicuous
places at least ten days preceding the next ensuing
election, and that the said president shall be the judge
of such election, and shall open the polls at two
o'clock in the evening, and close the same at six o'clock
in the same evening, and shall return his certificate of
the persons elected, to the said commissioners on the
day first appointed for their meeting, and the same shall
be filed and recorded among their proceedings.