Passed April
27, 1853.
AN ACT for repairing and furnishing the chamber occupied
by the Court of Appeals.
Sum appropriated.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of five hundred dollars is
hereby appropriated for the repairing, repainting and
refurnishing the chamber occupied by the Court of
Appeals, and the Treasurer is hereby authorised to pay
the same on the warrant of the Comptroller, or so much
thereof as may be necessary for said purpose, out of the
money in the Treasury arising from the ordinary
revenue, to the clerk of the said court or his order.
Clerk to return
to Comptroller
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That the clerk of the
Court of Appeals shall return to the Comptroller an account,
with the vouchers, for the payment of all sums
of money expended by him, under and by virtue of this
act, and said clerk shall not expend more than the sum
hereby appropriated, under the penalty of being responsible
for the same.
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That this act shall take
into effect from the date of its passage.
Passed April
22, 1853.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of legal fees due
to Robert J. Brent, for services rendered as State's
is due to Robert J. Brent, late attorney
general, the sum of six hundred dollars, for the
argument of State cases against Milburn and Crain in
the court of appeals, and for services in the case of John
Lee, as certified by the Governor; And Whereas, the
said amount cannot be paid without an appropriation
by law, Therefore,
Sum appropriated.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of six hundred dollars be
and the same is hereby appropriated to the payment of
the claim of said Robert J. Brent, for services rendered
by him as attorney general, and the Comptroller is
hereby directed and empowered to draw his warrant on
the Treasurer for said amount.