AN ACT to authorise the county commissioners for
Howard county, to confirm and make valid the opening
of a public road in said county.
Passed April
12, 1853.
WHEREAS, By an order issued from
the circuit
court of Howard county, dated the seventh of October,
eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and directed to Humphrey
Dorsey, William R. Warfield and Henry Banks,
to locate and open a public road in Howard county,
starting from a point on the old Annapolis road between
the farms of Milton Welsh and James Baxley, and intersecting
the Westminster road near James B. Matthews'
store; and whereas, the said commissioners after having
located and opened a considerable portion of said
road, entertained some doubt as to the legality of their
acts in consequence of the relationship of some of the
commissioners to the parties through whose land the
said road is located; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That the county commissioners for Howard county,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
if in their judgment the public convenience requires it,
to confirm and make valid the acts of said commissioners,
(Humphrey Dorsey, William R. Warfield and
Henry Banks,) so far as they have opened and located
said road, and to empower them to complete said road, in
the same manner as if no relationship of any kind existed
between any one of said commissioners and any
person or persons through whose land the said road is
or may be located.
Authority to
make valid.
AN ACT entitled, an act extending the time for the Commissioners
of Washington County, to levy a sum of
money for constructing a bridge over the Little Antietam,
passed March eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
chapter one hundred and fifteen.
Passed April
12, 1853.
WHEREAS, By and act passed March
eighteen hundred
and fifty-two, chapter one hundred and fifteen,
the commissioners of Washington county, were empowered