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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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108                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Passed April
11, 1853.
                                  CHAPTER 100.

AN ACT to provide for the Inspection of Ground Black
     Oak Bark in casks, bags and boxes, within the city of
To be inspected.
      SECTION 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That hereafter all ground black oak
bark for sale in the city of Baltimore, or for exportation
therefrom, shall be inspected by the Inspector duly appointed
for that purpose, whether the same shall be in
casks, bags, boxes or other packages.
     SEC. 2.  And be it enacted, That if any person shall
sell or export from the city of Baltimore any bark not
inspected as directed by this act, he shall forfeit the
sum of twenty dollars for each ton of twenty-two
hundred and forty pounds so shipped, one-half to
the informer, the other half for the use of the State, to
be recovered before any justice of the peace; the informer
to be a competent witness.
     Duty of inspector
weigh and inspect
     SEC. 3.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said Inspector to weigh and inspect each cask,
bag, box or package containing ground black oak bark,
and to mark thereon, in plain legible characters, the
weight and quality of the bark contained in each cask,
bag, box or package by him inspected.
     Amount allowed
     SEC. 4.  And be it enacted, That the said inspector
shall be allowed the sum of seventy-five cents per ton,
for every ton weight of bark, of twenty-two hundred
and forty pounds, by him inspected, and marked as
Inspector not
allowed to
charge unless
to be exported,

     SEC. 5.  And be it enacted, That from and after the
passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any inspector
of ground black oak bark to inspect or to charge any
inspection fees for inspecting ground black oak bark,
unless the ground black oak bark is exported from the
port of Baltimore for a foreign country, out of the
limits of the United States, or unless the same is sold
for consumption within the limits of the State of Maryland;
Provided, that nothing contained in this act shall
prohibit said Inspector inspecting and charging his inspection
fees in any case where he inspects ground
black oak bark at the request of the owner.
Acts repealed.
     SEC. 6.  And be it enacted, That so much of the
acts of eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter
seventy-seven, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine,
chapter two hundred and one, and eighteen hundred
thirty-three, chapter one hundred and thirty-four, relating

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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