Maryland, sct.
At a Session
of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and held
at the City of Annapolis, on the last Monday
of December, being
the twenty-sixth day of the said month in the
year of our Lord,
1825, and ending on the 9th day
of March, in the year 1826, his
excellency Joseph Kent, esq. Governor, the following
laws were enacted,
to wit:—
act for the relief of Jesse Myers, of Washington county. |
Passed Jan.
4, 1826. |
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
any judge of Washington county court, or any justice of the
orphans court of said county, be and he is hereby authorized
and empowered to grant to Jesse Myers, aforesaid, the benefit
of the several acts of assembly, passed for the relief of insolvent
debtors: Provided, the said Jesse Myers shall in all respects
(excepting that of proving residence) comply with the requisites
of said acts of Assembly, and that he satisfy the said judge or
justice, that he did not come into this state with the view of
obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws. |
Proviso. |
— |
An act extending the time of taking the bond of Henry H. Johns, sheriff
of Harford county. |
Passed Jan.
5, 1826. |
WHEREAS, in consequence of an unforseen accident,
H. Johns, sheriff of Harford county, has been prevented from
executing his bond as sheriff of said county, within the time limited
by law: Therefore, |
Preamble. |