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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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                                            No. 98.

     Resolved, That the register of the land office, issue to James
Leonard, a warrant for fifty acres of land, belonging to this state,
in Allegany county, heretofore unpatented, as a donation granted
by this state, to the revolutionary soldiers who served in the
Maryland line, during the revolutionary war, and to which he
is considered entitled.

Dec. Ses. 1825.

Passed March
9, 1826.
     James Leonard.
                                            No. 99.

     Whereas the assistant clerk of the present house of delegates,
at the particular instance and request of a committee thereof, has
rendered special and important services to the said committee,
by revising the several laws in relation to officers fees, &c. and
perfecting a general system on that subject which has been reported
to this house and found well worthy its consideration, and
as it is but reasonable and proper such services shall meet a
just reward; Therefore,
     Resolved, That the committee of claims be, and they are hereby
instructed and authorised to allow on the journal of accounts
to Gideon Pearce, such sum as the said committee of claims,
may in their judgment consider a just and reasonable remuneration
for the performance of said special services.
     Resolved, That the bill entitled, an act to amend and reduce
into one system the several acts of assembly, respecting officers
fees, for the better regulation of said fees, to establish a more
equitable and uniform mode of charging them among the several
and respective public officers throughout this state, and for other
purposes, be especially referred and recommended to the early
consideration of the next general assembly, and that the same
be reprinted under the superintendance and direction of the assistant
clerk of this house, with such corrections and modifications
thereof, as he may consider necessary and proper to make,
and be distributed among the members on the first day of the
next session, in order that the subject may receive the earliest
attention of the legislature.

Passed March
9, 1826.
Fee Bill.
                                            No. 100.

     Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to each
member of the legislature, with the clerks and other officers, such
per diem as they may be entitled to, since the closing of the
journal of accounts up to the 11th of March inclusive, and that
the committee of claims furnish the said treasurer with a list of
members, clerks and other officers so entitled.

Passed March
9, 1826.
Members and
                                            No. 101.

     Whereas a tract or parcel of land called Gaither's collection
has been taken in execution by the sheriff of Anne Arundel

Passed March
9, 1826.
John M. Gaither

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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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