may be, in proper books to be procured for that purpose, and
that such books of registry, after they are completed, be deposited
and remain among the archives of said office.
Dec. Ses. 1825.
No. 30.
Resolved, That William Robertson of Montgomery
be and he is hereby discharged from the payment of the
sum of two hundred and eighty-nine dollars and ninety-six
cents, part of a sum, at which improvements were valued by the
surveyor of Montgomery county, on two small parcels of land
called ' Unimportant ' and ' All Important,' lying in the said
Resolved, That on said Robertson's paying such
part of the
residue of the said valuation of said improvements as has not
yet been paid to the state, it shall be the duty of the register of
the land office, at the end of six months from such payment being
made, and after the certificate of the survey of said lands
made by the surveyor of said county, and dated the nineteenth
day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, has
been passed by the examiner-general, to issue a patent for said
lands, to said Robertson, his heirs or assigns.
Resolved, That nothing herein contained, shall
be construed
to prohibit any person or persons from entering a caveat against
said certificate of survey.
Passed Feb.
9, 1826.
William Robertson.
No. 31.
Whereas an act was passed at the last session of the
Assembly of Maryland, to provide for the cession of territorial
jurisdiction at Cedar Point, and at Point Look Out, in Saint
Mary's county, and at Smith's Island in Cajey's Straights, in
Somerset county, for the erection of light houses thereon: And
whereas it has been represented that the establishment of a light
boat off the mouth of Patuxent river, and also of a light boat in
Hooper's Straights, would more essentially conduce to the beneficial
objects contemplated by by the act in question: Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the senators and representatives of this state in the congress
of the United States, be requested to use their influence in
procuring the erection of light houses at Point Look Out, and
on Smith's Island, and the establishment of light boats off the
mouth of Patuxent river and in Hooper's Straights.
Passed Feb.
27, 1826.
Light houses
and light