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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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Dec. Ses. 1825.

order commissioners
examine and
locate roads, 


of Baltimore county upon petition to them in writing by a number
not less than twenty, of the taxable inhabitants of said county,
setting forth that the public convenience requires the opening
of any new road, or the widening, straightening, altering, amending
or shutting up any old road, or part of any old road, in said
county, and sufficiently describing in such petition, the road proposed
to be opened, straightened, widened, altered, amended or
shut up, to issue a commission to not less than three, nor more
than five commissioners, freeholders of the said county, and not
related to any of the parties interested, nor holding lands
through which the said road is proposed to be opened, straightened,
widened, altered, amended or shut up, authorising and requiring
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, to meet
on the premises, and examine and determine whether the public
convenience requires that the said road should be opened,
straightened, widened, altered, amended or shut up; and if in
the opinion and judgment of the said commissioners or a majority
of them, the public convenience does require the said road to
be opened, straightened, widened, altered, amended or shut up,
the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall in case the
application shall be for opening, straightening, widening, altering
or amending a road, proceed to locate the same, in such manner,
as will in their judgment best promote the public convenience,
and they shall cause a plot of the same, and also of the
old road where the application shall be to straighten, widen, alter,
amend or shut up a road, to be made out by a scale to be prescribed
by the said court, and shall return the same, together
with a full report of their proceedings under their hands to the
said levy court, and of the reasons on which their opinion is
founded; and if the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall be of opinion, that the said road ought not to be opened,
straightened, widened, altered, amended or shut up, they
shall report their opinion to the levy court aforesaid, together 
with the reasons on which the same is founded.

    Oath required
of commissioners.
    2.  And be it enacted, That the said commissioners or a majority
of them, before their proceed to act, shall take an oath or
affirmation (as the case may be,) to execute the trust reposed in
them by the commission to them issued, faithfully and without
favor, affection or partiality.
    3.  And be it enacted, That the commissioners or a majority
of them before they proceed to execute the trust reposed in them
by the commission to them issued, shall give at least three weeks 
notice, by advertisement set up at six public places in the neighbourhood,
a copy of which shall also be set up at the court-house
in the city of Baltimore, and the return of the commissioners
setting forth that they have given the notice required by the
law, or any words to that effect, shall be prima facie evidence that
the same was done.

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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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