sand necessary for building, repairing or rebuilding said bridge,
first giving notice thereof to the owner of the land, and doing
as little damage as possible, and repairing any breaches made in
enclosures and making amends for any damage by agreement, if
the parties can agree, if they cannot agree, or if the proprietors
be minors, feme coverts or insane, a jury of disinterested freeholders
may be summoned at the instance of either party by the
sheriff of the county where the lands lie, to view the said damages
and upon oath or affirmation to value the same, of the meeting
of which jury, ten days notice at least shall be given to the
opposite party, and so proved to the satisfaction of the jury
before they proceed to such valuation, and the same when made
so as aforesaid, shall be final. |
Dec. Ses. 1825. |
10. And be it enacted, That the said
company shall cause to be
built and kept in repair, a convenient and sufficient draw or passage
way at least forty two feet wide in said bridge, over the
middle of the main channel of the river, for the passing and repassing
of vessels by day and by night, and shall also cause to be
built and to be kept in repair, a well constructed and substantial
wharf, erected on piles, on each side of said bridge and adjoining
said draw, in every respect sufficient for vessels navigating said
river above said bridge to lie at security, and all vessels waiting
for a passage through the said draw may be at such wharf, free
of charge, until a suitable opportunity offers of passing through
said draw, and the said company shall at their own costs and
without toll, cause the draw or passage way to be hoisted or removed
without delay, for the passage of all vessels with masts
that are unable to pass under the same, and if through the unskilfuness
or negligence of the person or persons employed by
the said company to hoist or remove the said draw, any vessel
shall be unjustly or unreasonably hindered, delayed, or shall be
damaged in her hull, spars or rigging, in passing the said draw,
the said company shall be liable to the master or owner or owners
of such vessel for damages, to be ascertained and recovered
in the county court of either Cecil or Harford countie's, or in
any other court of competent jurisdiction; and the said company
shall constantly keep the said bridge furnished with four good
lamps, to be well supplied with oil, and lighted in due season, and
be kept burning through the night, on the wharves adjoining the
draw, under the penalty of ten dollars for each offence, to be recovered
by warrant, before any justice of the peace in Harford or
Cecil counties, by such person or persons as shall sue for the
same. |
Draw—regulations. |
11. And be it enacted, That should
the said bridge be located
so as to pass over Palmer's or Watson's Island, or the bar at
the South East or lower end of said Island, then it shall be the
duty of the said company to construct two draws, and the necessary
wharfs at each draw, one over the main channel on each |
If the bridge
to be located
over Islands. |
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